Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Bola Baron Lyrics from Aparajita Tumi

Keno emon, kobe hothat, kiser haowa, tokhon bikel
bola baron
Ki ojuhaat, kon she rongin, kokhon agahat, joler adaal
Bola baron

Ke jage raat bela prohor, poro boshot, thikana tor
Chena duchokh, chena palok, chini ki ghor, swayamvar

Keno shorir, kemon haowa, aarshimohol kake poray
Bola baron
Durer steamer, alor tarikh, ki je manush ki je kokhon
Bola baron

Jaage raat (5)
Ke jaage raat

chul dhaake ghum, bhool corridor, ke polatok nilche shomoy
Bola baron
Kon se rakhal bishaad choraye, hothat kokhon highway banshi
bola baron

Ke jaage raat, bela prohor, poro boshot, thikana tor
Chena du haat, laaj mukh raat, chini ki tar ondhokar

Bola Baron


  1. Thnx a lot DS.....ws looking for ths for a long time....actuallly the way the song has been sung, sm words are a bt obscure.....so, needed this....thnx again...n well done :)

    1. You're most welcome friend! yes, you're right...i worked really hard to chalk out the lyrics...thanks again for appreciating my effort...

  2. Thanks for uploading the lyrics,gr8 song by Anindo..words are very difficult to understand and relate hence a big thak to you again..take care.

    1. It's a pleasure that you appreciated my work. Anindya definitely has sung it very well. :)

      Have a nice time.

  3. Could you give the translation please? I mean I get the literal meaning of the words, but not the contextual one. In essence, what's the song wishing to convey?

    1. Bodhisatta you have got a real tough question for me. I truly can't help in translating the contextual meaning of this song. I kind of listen to it from heart. The scattered thoughts, scattered emotions...it's really hard to describe in proper ways.

  4. Can someone please translate this song in English?

    1. Dear Daiz, it's possible, but the core essence will be terribly missing. Something like translating "who let the dogs out" in Bengali or Hindi... :)

    2. Hey Daiz, I found it here. Thought of sharing it with you too.


  5. always makes me cry... thank you madam for posting the lyric ... i'm a singer(well, sort of )and there are some songs which i love singing... this is one of those songs.. (megh peon is another song i really love to sing )but due to the lyrical issues i always hummed in some part of the song.. and now it's complete...
    thank you

    1. I'm really glad that I could be of little help to you. Yes, megh peon is also one of my favorites. And I'm sure that you sing very well. My best wishes for you. :)

  6. plz uplod the roopkathara lyrics....searching for it for a long time...plz...for favor...

    1. Okay...here it is for you...I've uploaded the lyrics...I hope you will like it.


  7. thanks for the lyrics ..of course when translated in another language so many "ideas" are missing but at least u can get an idea of what it is about then the context of the movie can help... so if it was possible to have a basic english translation it would be great

    1. Believe me Sanandra, I tried to make a word-to-word translation of this song but that turned into a pathetic piece. I've once read that regarding translating his own poems in English, Rabindranath Tagore said that such a task was more like a class-3 boy translating a paragraph.

      Still, I searched the web and found this one. It looks pretty good. So sharing it with you. Hope that helps.



  8. What is the inner meaning of this lyrics. I saw this movie. Also this song is so much cool and soft. I just love this song.

    But I want to discuss about what is the inner meaning of this song?

