About The Blogger

Introducing myself, Durba Sengupta, an Entrepreneur and a Content Writer by profession, and a perfect hodgepodge of craziness and insanity. When people talk about their first love, I feel perplexed as my list of first love can go really long -

Very 1st Love ~ Books. I kinda live and die for books. Not only books, but probably any written materials on earth (spare the text books please!). I can go without food if I've a good book in hand. So that's my food. :-)

Next 1st Love ~ Music. Aah! The very mention of this word makes me go short of breath! From Santana to Sufiyana, music takes me to a trance; I feel intoxicated without consuming a single drop of alcohol. Hence I've got my fav drink. :-P

Another 1st Love ~ Films! Not the Bollywood masala ones, I prefer them without masala. And when it comes to films, you can call me a true global villager! Deeply fascinated with the Latin films, I had once dreamed of becoming an archaeologist positioned near the Mayan or Aztec ruins. So I know what my dream job is. ;-) 

Very 2nd Love ~ Painting! Neither a Picasso, nor a Dali; I'm just myself when I touch my palette and brushes. Although my self-portraits often look very similar to someone's face I've seen somewhere around, and the live animal sketches are always incomplete as I've never ever found an animal with the minimum level of patience(!!!), I just love painting. :-)

Next 2nd Love(s) ~ Photography. Cooking (new addition to the list), Singing (only for myself), leg pulling, trekking, travelling, addafaying, procrastinating, and of course, (how can I forget!) writing.

Seeking Apology

You may find a number of spelling mistakes in the Bengali blog posts. That is purely unintentional as I cannot rectify the errors with the online software I use to write in Bengali fonts. I seek your kind apology regarding this.

If you have any suggestion in this regard, please feel to share the same.

Thanks for your time and consideration.