Thursday, August 23, 2012

Achhe Dukkho Achhe Mrityu Rabindra Sangeet Lyrics

আছে দুঃখ আছে মৃত্যু বিরহ দহন লাগে
তবুও শান্তি তবু আনন্দ তবু অনন্ত জাগে
আছে দুঃখ আছে মৃত্যু...

তবু প্রাণ নিত্য ধারা হাসে সূর্য চন্দ্র তারা
বসন্ত নিকুঞ্জে আসে বিচিত্র রাগে
আছে দুঃখ আছে মৃত্যু বিরহ দহন লাগে
তবুও শান্তি তবু আনন্দ তবু অনন্ত জাগে
আছে দুঃখ আছে মৃত্যু বিরহ দহন লাগে|

তরঙ্গ মিলায় যায় তরঙ্গ উঠে
কুসুম ঝরিয়া পরে কুসুম ফুটে
নাহি ক্ষয় নাহি শেষ নাহি নাহি দৈন্য লেশ
সেই পূর্ণতার পায়ে মন স্থান মাগে
আছে দুঃখ আছে মৃত্যু বিরহ দহন লাগে
তবুও শান্তি তবু আনন্দ তবু অনন্ত জাগে
আছে দুঃখ আছে মৃত্যু...


  1. What a Positive song! No doubt, Rabi Thakur.. You are a Great Philosopher.. The Pride of nation.

    1. Yes Shahana, it's this optimism that makes all these Tagore's creations so wonderful. Whenever I feel low, I listen to this song. By the way, thank you for visiting my blog. Hope you've liked it. :)

    2. Nicely said Mr. Roy Chowdhury!

  2. Optimism is wisdom.In Bhagabatgeeta too we see that Lord Krishna is defining the wise as one who does not lament about anybody, alive or dead.Unfortunately this does not happen to us when near and dear ones are involved.Secondly, the trauma death and disaster(such as a young child permanently paralysed) causes can never be shielded by the guise of the infinite.The trauma is best experienced by the ones alone who are in the process of experiencing the traumas and not by any commentator.Buddha, in defining the sorrows of life was neither positive nor optimistic. He was pessimistic and realistic.

    1. Very rightly said Mr. Chakraborty. We are all bound by Maya and we cannot overcome this as long as we are in this materialistic world. That is why Buddha said one has to pass through the sorrows of life, once you have born in this world. However, we have to again go back to Geeta , where it is said that we should do our duty without expecting any result from it. Once we are expecting any result or any return from something and from someone, we are getting bound by Maya. We have to do our duties without expecting any result from it and thus the sorrows and wound will not touch us. That is very very difficult. Thus more we go back to nature, what has Rabi thakur uttered, the more easier we can achieve these. Anyway, thanks and lot

  3. hey buddy, lovely compilations in all your blogs , our Tagore - above all horizons - as modern as new - can relate in all situations ... am crying and smiling at the same time ...
